Your struggles are real and they can hinder the growth and potential of your business:

  • Not knowing what steps to take.
  • Lack of a concrete action plan with clear deadlines.
  • No longer seeing the trees through the forest when implementing digital components.
  • A shortage of fresh and innovative ideas.
  • Struggling with limited capacity and dependence.
  • Finding it confusing to implement strategies effectively.

Add a human remote strategist with AI tools to help your business reach the goals envisioned:

De Oplossing: Leidende Licht

  • Clear steps 'to make it happen'.
  • Action plans with crystal clear deadlines.
  • Understand what needs to be done and have answers to 'why’ and ‘how’.
  • A constant stream of innovative ideas.
  • Scalable execution team.
  • Our strategist will work with you 1-on-1. Get strategy sessions to guide your resources.

Your struggles are real and hinder the growth and potential of your business:

Achieve your goals with the help of a strategist powered with AI-tools:

  • Not knowing what steps to take
  • Clear steps 'to make it happen'
  • Lack of a concrete action plan with clear deadlines
  • Action plans with crystal clear deadlines
  • No longer seeing the trees through the forest when implementing digital components
  • Understand what needs to be done and have answers to 'why’ and ‘how’
  • A shortage of fresh and innovative ideas
  • A constant stream of innovative ideas
  • Struggling with limited capacity and dependence
  • Team of scalable implementors (marketeers, designers, developers, ...)
  • Finding it confusing to implement strategies effectively
  • Our strategist will work with you 1-on-1


We begin with a free 1-on-1 oracle session. We ask questions to understand you, your business and the goals you envision. Next; we tell you what we would do if we where in your shoes.

We love to change your fate.
Now our first question, do you dare to take a green pill?
book a free oracle session
🗓️ Duration: 1-4 WEEKS
Goals, strategy & KPI-setting
We immediately dive into understanding your unique needs and goals. We will work closely with you to research the market & collect essential data. Analysis of this data will form the fundament for the strategic journey ahead.

>>> We start by defining your end-goals, then work backward to create a plan for achieving it.
🗓️ Duration: 5-8 WEEKS
Perfect execution
Armed with a strong strategy and action plan, we move on to the execution phase. Tasks are started, bringing your strategies to life.

>>> Our dedicated experts will work diligently to ensure that every step is carried out seamlessly and your goals become tangible reality.
🗓️ Duration: 9-12 WEEKS
Evaluation & optimization
Continuous improvement is central to our approach. In this phase, we assess the progress made so far. We will accurately evaluate the results and gather insights that drive optimisation efforts.

>>> This commitment to refinement ensures that your project always follows an upward line.
🗓️ WEEK 13+ onwards....
Continuous improvement & new goals

Tools for rapid action & decision making

Your new strategist helps you on your path to business success. Practical knowledge & strategy converted to action plans + insight snapshots push you forward. Providing you guidance, creative thinking and data-based insights.

Giving you all the tools to make fast decisions to accelerate the accomplishment of your goals.
Book a free oracle session

Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless.

Our strategists with a background in operations, finance, sales, marketing and digital product building collaborate to accelerate the growth of your business.

Your assigned strategist creates a strategy and action plan to achieve your goals. We offer you the 3 components to make it happen. Thinking - Planning - Doing. This makes sure that nothing stand in the way of getting forward towards your envisioned goals.
Book a free oracle session

Answers to your questions

Who benefits from a strategist?
A strategic plan establishes the direction for your business to take, it will help it sharpen its focus in order to get there. Strategic planning can therefore help your organisation develop the right goals and targets and help everyone focus their efforts into meeting them. Businesses from all sizes benefit from strategy.
What is an action plan?
A action plan outlines what needs to happen to implement strategies. An action plan clarifies what resources you’ll need to reach your goals. It defines the tasks or action items, who is responsible for the deliverables and the timeline.
Why hire an external and not internal business strategist?
Although internal strategists have their advantages, they are associated with high costs, long in-times, limited perspectives and resources. Our strategists are equipped with the needed resources like proven frameworks and team of implementors, offer flexible engagement and fresh perspectives without the overhead cost. They will also work with any existing team, assisting them, enriching your team capabilities.
I already have a marketing agency, do I need your services?
Marketing is a piece of the puzzle. Our job is to look at the bigger picture and seamlessly connect all of these pieces. We work with your existing teams to ensure strategies are correctly implemented. You can also use our team of implementors to get it done.
What does your process look like?
After your free Oracle session and snapshot, your onboarding process begins. Our team will work to collect essential information that will allow us to have insight into your business. We will analyse your current stage and develop strategies to move towards your goals. These strategies we will convert in an action plan broken down into executable tasks.
I don’t have the resources to execute the tasks. What happens now?
If any of the tasks requires forces you don’t possess, you can have our team take care of it. We also have a partner network ready to connect with you.
Who are your implementors?
Our team is broad, not limited to: business strategists, marketing strategists, lead-generation experts, marketeers, copywriters, designers, project managers and developers. Along with our partner network, we can connect you to the services your business needs to get your strategies implemented.

Success stories of our strategists:

What would be your story?


Organische zichtbaarheid, SEO gericht op B2B binnen de sector van ZEE transport.


+1000 verkochte auto's gegenereerd via de website voor een autohandelaar in Antwerpen, België.


Het dubbele aantal bezoekers voor een Italiaanse restaurantketen in Bali, Indonesië.


Onafhankelijke lead-generator voor een bouwbedrijf dat 500 leads per jaar genereert.


10.000 leads / year die resulteren in + € 100 miljoen aan hypotheken.


Digitale interface voor een mode distributeur gericht op 500 winkels in de Benelux.


Leadgeneratie via een op maat klantenportaal voor een fietsleasing bedrijf in België, Europa.


Organische zichtbaarheid, SEO gericht op B2B binnen de sector van ZEE transport.


+1000 verkochte auto's gegenereerd via de website voor een autohandelaar in Antwerpen, België.


Het dubbele aantal bezoekers voor een Italiaanse restaurantketen in Bali, Indonesië.


Onafhankelijke lead-generator voor een bouwbedrijf dat 500 leads per jaar genereert.


10.000 leads / year die resulteren in + € 100 miljoen aan hypotheken.


Digitale interface voor een mode distributeur gericht op 500 winkels in de Benelux.


Leadgeneratie via een op maat klantenportaal voor een fietsleasing bedrijf in België, Europa.


Organische zichtbaarheid, SEO gericht op B2B binnen de sector van ZEE transport.


+1000 verkochte auto's gegenereerd via de website voor een autohandelaar in Antwerpen, België.


Het dubbele aantal bezoekers voor een Italiaanse restaurantketen in Bali, Indonesië.


Onafhankelijke lead-generator voor een bouwbedrijf dat 500 leads per jaar genereert.


10.000 leads / year die resulteren in + € 100 miljoen aan hypotheken.


Digitale interface voor een mode distributeur gericht op 500 winkels in de Benelux.


Leadgeneratie via een op maat klantenportaal voor een fietsleasing bedrijf in België, Europa.


Digital interface for a fashion distributor aimed at 500 stores in the Benelux.


10,000 leads / year that result in +€100 million in mortgages.


Organic visibility, SEO focused on B2B within the sea transport sector.


Independent lead generator for a construction company generating 500 leads per year.


+1000 cars sold generated via the website for a car dealer in Antwerp, Belgium


Double the number of visitors for an Italian restaurant chain in Bali, Indonesia.


Lead generation via a customized customer portal for a bicycle leasing company in Belgium, Europe.
Detailed case study
"We were starting from ground zero with this business idea, feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to even begin."
We were starting from ground zero with this business idea, feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to even begin. We paid for a website, but after 6 months no leads were coming from this. We started thinking what we could do with this situation and it was when we found this company. After 4 weeks, leads started to come in and we understood that our lack of strategy created a huge problem in our “planning”. We wasted 6 months of time and money doing the wrong things, this experience completely changed our thinking into how to be in business.
Els, Fintech start-up in Belgium
"I thought I had it all figured out, running my own business for years."
I thought I had it all figured out, running my own business for years. I was happy with my numbers but I could never expect the amount of return I’d get from implementing new channels. We are still in the middle of the plan execution and I’m looking forward to keep seeing those results come in."
Johan, Car dealership in Belgium
"I had big dreams for my restaurant but no clue how to make them a reality. I hired a marketeer and for 9 months I spent thousands on photography and Instagram without any new clients."
I had big dreams for my restaurant but no clue how to make them a reality. I hired a marketeer and for 9 months I spent thousands on photography and Instagram without any new clients. With no idea of what was happening, all I heard was “that it took time”. That's when I connected with Ana. She didn't just show me the ropes; she rolled up her sleeves and helped me figure things out step by step. Even at the free Oracle Session she showed me that I was using the wrong channels to connect with my audience. They now work with my marketer and I'm seeing real profits.
Manuel, Restaurant in Bali
"I was at a point where shutting doors started to look like a possibility, then, I met our external business strategist from Create your Matrix."
I was overwhelmed by the amount of choices, unsure how to generate leads. I have tried lead generation businesses but it still wasn’t providing me with sales, my team was putting a lot of effort with little return. I was at a point where shutting doors started to look like a possibility, then, I met our external business strategist from Create your Matrix. They didn't just offer guidance; they became a trusted counsellor for my business. Conversion is now a breeze because we know how to do it without having to worry about competition, shutting doors will never be on our sight again.
Georg, Construction Business in Belgium
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